Available with or without (safety version) a ‘hold open’ feature.
- The safety version has no hold-open function at 90 degrees and is therefore suitable for child/pool safety gates. A gate-stop MUST be installed when using Safety models. Gate MUST NOT be allowed to open past 90 degrees. Doing so voids warranty. Ensure hinges are at least 900 mm apart so they cannot be used as footholds by toddlers.
- Commercial-grade, combination hinge and closer
- Easily retro-fitted to existing gates.
- Hidden hydraulics for quiet, controlled closing
- Screw on
- Minimum fence post size 50mm
- Alignment legs give double face-fixing strength
- Final Snap Close Action
- Self-closes gates up to 120kg
- For gate gaps of 12-35 mm

NZ Building Product Information
Weld-on model (NB Steel Bracket) is available by special order.